Thoughts and Reflections about Integration at
University of South Carolina

Robert Anderson, Henrie Dobbins Monteith, and James Solomon
walking to Hamilton College for the USC press conference.

Integration at USC
in 2013

USC students in 1963
While some schools may be desegregated, they may not be truly integrated. Racial desegregation of schools serves as a method to provide equality of educational opportunity, “ensuring” that students of diverse racial backgrounds attend the same schools as opposed to attending racially isolated institutions that often receive inequitable funding and educational resources. Integration may occur after desegregation yet only when effective methods have intentionally been implemented to overcome educational disadvantages and inequities that minority students often experience in schools. Integration, among its many goals, seeks to foster affirmative, democratic, and thoughtful interracial discourse and relationships.

Twenty-five years later: USC students in 1988